from apiclient.discovery import build import pandas as pd YOUTUBE_API_KEY = '******' youtube = build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=YOUTUBE_API_KEY) def get_video_info(part, q, order, type, num): dic_list = [] search_response = youtube.search().list(part=part,q=q,order=order,type=type) output = youtube.search().list(part=part,q=q,order=order,type=type).execute() for i in range(num): dic_list = dic_list + output['items'] search_response = youtube.search().list_next(search_response, output) output = search_response.execute() df = pd.DataFrame(dic_list) df1 = pd.DataFrame(list(df['id']))['videoId'] df2 = pd.DataFrame(list(df['snippet']))[['channelTitle','publishedAt','channelId','title','description']] ddf = pd.concat([df1,df2], axis = 1) return ddf def export_youtube_csv(search_word): df = get_video_info(part='snippet', q=search_word, order='viewCount', type='video', num = 1) ldc_data = [] for i in df.videoId: statistics = youtube.videos().list(part = 'statistics', id = i).execute()['items'][0]['statistics'] try: ldc_data.append([statistics['viewCount'], statistics['likeCount'], statistics['dislikeCount'],statistics['commentCount']]) except: try: ldc_data.append([statistics['viewCount'], 0, 0, statistics['commentCount']]) except: try: ldc_data.append([statistics['viewCount'], statistics['likeCount'], statistics['dislikeCount'],0]) except: ldc_data.append([statistics['viewCount'], 0, 0, 0]) df_ldc = pd.DataFrame(ldc_data, columns=['view_count', 'good', 'bad', 'commnent_count']) df_concat = pd.concat([df, df_ldc], axis=1) df_concat.to_csv("test.csv", encoding='utf_8_sig') return df_concat q=input("検索したいワードを入力してください") df2 = export_youtube_csv(q) df2.head() print(df2)
videoId | channelTitle | publishedAt | channelId | title | description | view_count | good | bad | commnent_count |
3jWRrafhO7M | Cafe Music BGM channel | 2016-05-10T13:59:56Z | UCJhjE7wbdYAae1G25m0tHAA | #GhibliJazz #CafeMusic – Relaxing Jazz & Bossa Nova Music – Studio Ghibli Cover | Studio Ghibli’s Music Cover!! * The music in this video is actually being played by BGMC. And the approval of the release on Streaming Services has been … | 29391859 | 323665 | 5188 | 6321 |
7voSN82FGF0 | kno Piano Music | 2019-08-11T18:18:50Z | UCulsxDuZ0gU8lzhpPAjUwUg | おやすみジブリ・夏夜のピアノメドレー【睡眠用BGM、動画中広告なし】Studio Ghibli Summer Night Piano Collection Piano Covered by kno | おやすみジブリ・夏夜のピアノメドレーが ポニーキャニオン様よりCD及びデジタルリリースされることが決まりました。 Apple Music https://apple.co/3aHkvfU 「夏夜のピアノ … | 25339572 | 330175 | 8276 | 11270 |
YjohMzHkBqI | kno Disney Piano Channel | 2018-01-21T08:22:46Z | UCunvH2-1iyfjlEVDA8fsBNA | スタジオジブリピアノメドレー【作業用、勉強、睡眠用BGM】Studio Ghibli Piano Collection(Piano Covered by kno) | (Piano Covered by kno) ・風の谷のナウシカ(1984)/Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 1.風の伝説/Kazeno Densetsu (Legend of the Wind)0:00 ・天空の城 … | 24361951 | 198128 | 5665 | 6466 |
B1go9DPd_xg | kno Piano Music | 2019-03-19T13:00:02Z | UCulsxDuZ0gU8lzhpPAjUwUg | おやすみジブリ・ピアノメドレー【睡眠用BGM,動画中広告なし】Studio Ghibli Deep Sleep Piano Collection(Piano Covered by kno) | おやすみジブリ・夏夜のピアノメドレーが ポニーキャニオン様よりCD及びデジタルリリースされることが決まりました。 「夏夜のピアノメドレー~おやすみジブリ~」/ kno Piano … | 19123574 | 168799 | 7954 | 15684 |
G7q07dyIsX8 | yamahamusicchannel | 2010-06-29T04:47:13Z | UCaW-kPXGCj7VsIezZqaJrdQ | Arrietty's Song / Cecile Corbel ( セシル・コルベル ) | iTunes Store ⇒ http://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id363974185 Amazon ⇒ http://amzn.to/9kwdac スタジオジブリ映画『借りぐらしのアリエッティ』主題歌、「Arrietty’s … | 9805125 | 76364 | 649 | 3557 |